Getting Started
Step 1: Download Form(s)
Choose the form(s) you need from the list below. Click the form to download it. Once you complete your form(s) return to this page to upload them to us along with any other supporting documentation, e.g., W2, 1099, Mortgage Interest Statement, etc.
Upload the original copy of the following forms
via scan or clear photo
- IRS Tuition Statement Form (1098-T)
- Itemized IRS Employee Wages Form (W-2)
- IRS Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc. Form (1099-R)
- Mortgage, Interest, Statement (1098)
Step 2: Email Your Completed Forms
Use the secure email or form below to submit all your documents.
Don’t like forms, please send your documents to the following email (click email) : [email protected]
Working for your future
A tax & business advisor is different than a co-founder or investor. We aren’t looking for a piece of your business but simply the opportunity to mentor you to your fullest potential personally and financially. A tax and business advisor can be a true asset for an entrepreneur, particularly if this is a first-time startup. We’ve been serving as tax and business advisors for several years and learned exactly how and where we can add expertise to help make strategic decisions as an advisor. We offer these services so companies can leverage us to assist in achieving their strategic objectives.
Getting started with us can be simple. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and thus it is impossible to list all the items one must bring in for a tax appointment for every type of tax situation. When you make the choice to hire someone else to prepare your tax return, you’ll need to do some of the advance work yourself—and the earlier you start, the better. Round up your receipts and check that you’ve received all the forms you need from employers and financial institutions. Last year’s tax return can be a good guide for making sure you aren’t missing any important information. We will happily help you with your personal and business tax needs. Below are our steps to making this experience as smooth as possible.
Business Consulting
Our company is comprised of Tax Services & Business Advisors that have advanced training and knowledge of tax accounting and tax law. LB Advisors analyze a company’s business plan and financial statements to properly advise it about investments, marketing, and potential funding opportunities.